Online Marketing for an Orthopedic Practice

Online Marketing for an Orthopedic Practice

Your orthopedic practice needs steady leads and patients to survive in today’s competitive healthcare market. Effective, patient-focused orthopedic marketing strategies must be executed to convert visitor leads seamlessly into new patients.

If you’re wondering how to drive more patients to your practice with effective marketing techniques, you’ve come to the right place. This article is about online marketing for orthopedic practice will put you on the right track to attracting more patients to your practice.

Effective Orthopedic Marketing Strategies

  • Video marketing has become extremely popular among healthcare providers. It’s an extraordinary way to reach unique target audiences and build credibility for your orthopedic practice.
    The benefits of video marketing are obvious. You can leverage video to convert more leads into patients for your orthopedic practice. You can help build trust in your orthopedic practice by featuring your orthopedic surgeons on video.
    Your videos can introduce and deliver important orthopedic health information to prospective patients and answer frequently asked questions. Your prospects can help make your practice more likely to attract quality leads.
    If you struggle to identify topics for your videos, focus on your patients’ most frequently asked questions. That should help you identify dozens of content topics you know patients are looking for.
  • Generate More Positive Reviews for Your Orthopedic Providers
    Online patient reviews can make or break the practice.
    Generating reviews for your practice and providers is crucial to your status as a credible orthopedic practice. One effective way to generate new reviews and gain trust for your orthopedic practice is by asking your patients and their families to leave honest reviews on various dedicated medical review sites.
  • Marketing for Orthopedic Surgeons with Google Ads
    If you don’t have a Google ad campaign for your orthopedic practice, it’s time to consider developing. An effective orthopedic Google ad campaign can help drive targeted keyword search engine traffic, including all those local SEO near the location queries to your website. When done right, Google ads can attract qualified surgical and non-surgical patients to your practice.
    Google Ads have a great advantage over social media ads because Google searchers already have a high level of purchase intent.
  • Good on-page SEO can help your orthopedic practice website rank online.
    Here are the areas of on-page SEO that can impact your web ranking:
    • Metadata – Keywords used in your URL, title tags, and meta descriptions help your website appear in relevant searches.
    • Optimized images can affect your site’s page-loading speed, which strongly influences how long people stay on your site and how search engines will rank it.
    • Keywords are search terms or phrases people use to find information online. Adding keywords content can improve your overall SEO ranking.
    • Is your site structured properly from your navigation bar down to your footer and call to action? Search engines and your web ranking will ultimately determine your website’s value.
  • Guest Posts & Podcasts
    Guest posts and podcasts are excellent strategies for establishing authority and growing your organic search traffic.
    Guest posting and podcasting offer another major benefit. Each time you do it, you’ll gain a high-quality backlink for your website. Backlinks are a critical search ranking factor for Google’s algorithm. The more you have, the better.
  • Google Business Profile listing
    Google Business Profile listing is how prospects will interact with your practice. Your listing contains important information, including your name, address, and phone number, that must be 100% accurate and consistent.
    Orthopedic and other healthcare specialty practices often mistake having multiple or duplicate listings containing the same information. Prospects may find this confusing, so be sure to eliminate any duplicate listings.
    By keeping your listings accurate and properly managed, you’ll have fewer headaches and greater success in attracting patient prospects from your online presence.
  • Leverage Geofencing for Orthopedic Advertising
    Geofencing is the process of using a virtual boundary around a specific geographical region so you can post targeted ads inside that area.
    With geofencing, you can send customized ads to prospects when they enter a predetermined area. Geofencing allows you to send laser-targeted ads that typically have higher success rates than regular ads. This is a more effective orthopedic marketing strategy for targeting sports fields and fitness/play facilities.

These orthopedic marketing strategies will help grow your orthopedic practice. To learn more about orthopedic marketing services, look to an orthopedic digital marketing agency like Practice Builders. Contact us.

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About the Author: Mr I A Mokashi

CEO & Establisher

Mr I A Mokashi

A Certified Healthcare Digital Marketer, Healthcare Administrator, and a Healthcare Consultant having Profound Expertise in Developing Startups and De-Growing Hospitals into Dominant Leaders. He is also the Meditwitt Healthcare Blogger and a Professional Healthcare Speaker.

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